
The Truck Accident Law Firm Blog

What Does a Truck Accident Lawyer Do?

What Does a Truck Accident Lawyer Do?

Suppose you or a loved one has been involved in a truck accident in Jacksonville, FL. In that case, understanding the role of a truck accident lawyer can be crucial in navigating the complex process of seeking compensation and justice. In this article, we will explore the responsibilities of a truck accident lawyer, the benefits they can provide, and why hiring one can make a significant difference in your case. What Is a Truck Accident Lawyer? A truck accident lawyer is an attorney who represents clients in accidents involving large commercial trucks, such as semi-trucks, tractor-trailers, and big rigs. These lawyers have extensive knowledge of truck transportation laws and regulations, including federal and state laws. They are skilled in navigating the complex investigation process and litigating truck accident claims. Responsibilities of a Truck Accident Lawyer A truck accident lawyer’s primary responsibility is representing you in your pursuit of compensation and justice following a truck accident. Their duties may include: In

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Jackknife Truck Accidents in Jacksonville, FL: All You Need to Know

Truck accidents can have devastating consequences for drivers, passengers, and even pedestrians. One of the most dangerous is accidents involving jackknifing. If you or a loved one has been involved in a jackknife truck accident in Jacksonville, a Jacksonville truck accident can help you recover potential compensation for injuries and other damages.  What Are Jackknife Accidents? A jackknife accident occurs when the trailer of a large truck, such as a semi or tractor-trailer, swings out at an angle and folds like a pocket knife. Jackknife accidents are particularly dangerous because the driver typically loses control of their truck, which may strike other vehicles. What Causes Jackknife Truck Accidents in Jacksonville? Jackknife truck accidents in Jacksonville are commonly attributed to several main causes.  Some common scenarios involved in jackknife accidents include: A Jacksonville truck accident lawyer can investigate the cause of your jackknife truck accident. Who May Be Liable for A Jackknife Truck Accident in Jacksonville?  Determining liability for a jackknife

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Types of Commercial Driver’s Licenses in Florida

Types of Commercial Driver’s Licenses in Florida

Driving a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) requires special knowledge and skills. CMVs are much larger and heavier than passenger vehicles. Therefore, truck drivers must obtain a commercial driver’s license (CDL) before operating a large truck or other commercial vehicle. The requirements for a CDL involve vigorous driving and knowledge tests. The purpose is to ensure that the driver has the experience to operate a large truck safely. What Are Florida’s Requirements for a Commercial Driver’s License? Florida’s requirements for a commercial driver’s license comply with the federal CDL requirements. You must be at least 18 years old to obtain a CDL in Florida. If you are under 21 years old, you are restricted to driving a CMV in Florida only. Drivers may obtain a commercial driver’s license in one of three categories: Class A CDL Requirements You must have a Class A CDL to operate a truck or a combination vehicle weighing over 26,000 pounds and tow a vehicle or

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